Meet the members of the team

Carlo Aliprandi

Cofounder - Chief Executive Officer

Serial innovator and AI addicted. MD in Computer Science, Carlo is a business expert in AI, with a 25+ years professional track in Healthcare, and Radiology in particular.

Federico Picardi

Cofounder - Chief Digital Officer

Digital Marketing Expert with 20+ years of experience. MD in Engineering of Telecommunication, Federico holds an AI Executive Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Paolo Galati

Chief Technology Officer

MD in Computer Engineering, Paolo is a senior  expert in Cloud Architectures and ICT infrastructures.

Giulia Benotto

AI & NLP Scientist

PHD in Computational Linguistics, Giulia is a senior  expert in Natural Language Processing, AI and Multiomodal Learnding.

Tommaso Guidi

ML & AI Engineer

MSc in Artificial Intelligence, Tommaso is an expert in Deep Learning for Healthcare  and  Life Sciences.

Gianfranco Bellezza

Clinical Marketing Officier

Senior Medical expert. MD in Medicine, Gianfranco has a 30+ years’ experience in Healthcare, with expertise in clinical development, marketing and sales of innovative medical devices.

Advisory board

Emanuele Neri

Chief Scientific Officer

Professor of Radiology at the University of Pisa and Chairman of the Unit of Diagnostic Imaging, Emanuele is a renowed expert in Radiomics and AI for Digital Imaging.

Lorenzo Faggioni

Clinical Advisor

MD, PHD Radiologist
Imaging Dept, University of Pisa

Fabrizio Falchi

AI Advisor

MD, PHD Information Engineering.
AI for Media Lab of ISTI-CNR Pisa

We are open to talented people to join our team